Jahcrea Hatwaizika Carries on the Tradition of Jackson Pollock

Visual artist Jahcrea Hatwaizika has perfected the drip technique made popular by famous and legendary abstract artist-Jackson Pollock. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, art critics were amazed at the level of visual activity present in Pollack’s abstract pieces. Never before had painted lines made circular captivated the imagination of art observers worldwide. Nearly three quarters of a century later, contemporary artist Jahcrea Hatwaizika has made Pollack’s work even more relevant today through the creation of Pollack inspired pieces.

While Pollack’s abstract art does not contain human or animal figures with expressions, each piece of art tells a story through the manipulation of lines. Through these stories audiences infer philosophical ideologies about life, and get a glimpse into the passion behind the artist’s creation. It is ultimately through the illusion of movement that the audience comes to understand passion and ideas.

In this Pollack inspired piece entitled “Pink Storm”, it is apparent how circular lines depicted in great numbers reflect the intensity of emotion and philosophical thought. It is interesting to follow Jahcrea’s lines and speculate what the artist feels while applying the drip technique.

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