It is in people minds that police are protecting and serving. This is a lynching period.

George floyd Trial Police : 8:46 Dave Chapplle, Dallas shooter, Christopher Dorner, Micah Johnson

NOTE: Some of the language in this post is racial and may make some audiences uncomforatable. 3.31.21

A white man can kill a whole bible study and come out alive. A white man can shoot up and kill people in the theater and come out alive. Black people have died for a fake 20 dollar bill he may not have known it was fake. He may have thought it was a real $20 should he die for that. ‘ Sad thing Chauvin Tried to plea but Trump needed the drama to push his narrative for President, I will put up some video show the highlights for the week. So according to police, they should have the right to kill all black drug addicts and save white women from this opioid crisis. He wished he did not take the bill. White people in this country can not get this unless you are born black in America. Remember the slave patrol is the direct birth of police departments to police black bodies period. It is the same today. We see police shoot black unarmed men all the time and they just get away with it. And if the police are killed it’s normally a white man that does that. And they bring them to justice. Two black men that kill police, one a police and the other army one was blown up and the other was set on fire. You get excuses when white men kill they are mentally ill, black people have a mental illness also. Until white people decide that black people need to be equal we all are lost. We got a long road.

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