Inspiring Stories of the Successful Mom Entrepreneurs

Mom Entrepreneurs

We all are well aware of the fact that our mothers aren’t just ordinary creatures. But they are someone beyond superheroes and moms are often known as Wonder Women without an actual costume. Being a mom has its own joys but it is actually a 24/7 job itself, so no wonder why they are known as the strongest people in the world.

Women are facing different pressure whether if you are a daughter, wife, single mom, student, or a mom entrepreneur. Every woman is going through some unique pressures in their life but when it comes to motherhood one of the spectrums envisions you at home, looking out for your family and caring for your children.

It’s an undeniable fact that being a full-time mom is a challenge itself and not everyone can handle it well. But there are some women who are keeping up with their family and children and also not giving up on their passion of a successful career.

Mompreneurs of Today’s World

Those moms are known as ‘Moms Entrepreneurs.’ They are the ones who keep envisioning themselves on the other end of the spectrum that insists they always “lean in” and fight the patriarchy with their career success. Being a mom deserves a medal itself, but navigating motherhood while launching your entrepreneurial career deserves its own medal. 

Presently, women are getting more self-needy and becoming business visionaries and working women. They are giving furious rivalry to men in all fields imaginable, independent of being an on-location or offsite work.

Moms in business seem to lack the much-deserved recognition. Imagine balancing motherhood, family, higher education and business endeavors is no easy task for one person to handle, but guess what? There’s nothing that moms can’t handle.

Today, there are plenty of successful businesses that run and operated by hard-working mothers who make huge impacts on the business world. If you are already a mom, mom to be or even a teenage girl looking for some major inspirations of your career, then without a second thought, have a look inside the personalities of a portion of the world’s best mom entrepreneurs’ visionaries so you can give their shrewdness something to do in your life.

The story of the founder of SafetyTat, Michele Welsh tells us how human the bundle of incredible ideas is. The idea of founding her own business venture came up when she got concerned with the safety of her kids.

With the support of her husband Bob, the couple founded SafetyTat which is mainly focused on the safety of children when they are in public. SafetyTat is a company that temporary safety tattoo designed originally for children. Being a professional graphic designer herself, Michele Welsh designs customized safety tattoos for children

The mom entrepreneur and the founder of The Baby Einstein Company which was founded in 1997 by an regular mom and former teacher Julie Aigner-Clark at her home in suburban Alpharetta, Georgia. To produce the initial product, Julie Aigner-Clark and her husband invested $18,000 of their savings.

Since the invention of her business with her husband’s support the company started to grow revenues from $1 million in 1998 to over $10 million just a few years later in 2000 & within five years of the foundation of company. It generated more than $20million. In 2001, she sold the company to Disney.

The founder of PAIGELAUREN, being a mom the idea of her own business turned into reality in 2008 when she was trying to buy gifts for newborn baby of her friend and couldn’t find anything that she liked. She was already thinking about starting something of her own but like most of us, she didn’t have a clear image of what her business would be but just an imagination. So the struggle to find the gift for her friend’s newborn was a leap into designing baby clothes.

Like many of us, Paige had never manufactured or design clothes but that didn’t discourage her to do something of her own. Instead, she went all in to pursue an idea she believed in. Presently, PAIGELAUREN is one of the largest and successful clothing lines for baby clothes and has become the first stop for every parent in Los Angeles and across the country.

Like most of the moms, Jakki Liberman went through some baby issues with her third child. His sensitive skin reacted badly when the baby was wearing disposable diapers. That’s what inspired her to do something of her own. In 1989, she created an upgraded version of cloth diaper and presented to the world her new brand, Bumkins which was especially inspired by baby’s skin issues.

Just in the span of one year, Bumkins won the Best Product of the Year. Later on, expectedly the business of baby diapers started to expand and the range of baby clothing line of baby products spread wider like smocks, splat mats that help with preventing stains, cute bibs, reusable bags, and baby apparel.

Now Bumkins has become a family business and inspiration on how to build a brand from scratch for many.

Bundles Organic was co-founded by Kwany Lui and John Mascari, with a mission to help moms to be during pregnancyThey made a venture of organic prenatal juices and products that are helping new moms and expecting moms with their nutritional needs while saving them time.

The main focus of Bundle Organics is a healthy diet that will help and ensure the moms to be to get all the needed vitamins and nutrition. Presently Bundle Organic is an ideal solution for expecting moms to get the extra nutrients they need in a tasty juice designed just for them.

Jacqueline Smith is founder, mom entrepreneur and the CEO of the groundbreaking beauty company Kiesque. It was a business startup that links the gap between beauty and thoughtful ingenuity.

The idea of founding her own beauty venture and producing original liquid painter’s tape for nails when was she couldn’t had the time to get a professional manicure and doing it at home always ended messy and disturbed by kids.

Presently, Jacqueline’s business is one of the most expanded businesses in the market and one of the major beauty partners of Sephora Europe for an all store launch.

When Lisa Greenwald’s son was born, she noticed how babies love to chew everything they get their hands on. Getting inspiration from her new born, she came up with an amazing idea to make soft non-toxic teething jewelry that was safe for babies to chew, Chewbeads. As soon the business started to expand, she introduced different chewing products and toys for babies like rattles, teething rings, and bath toys.

As her business expanded, it became hard for her to look after her business alone. In other to be supported, her business left his 9-5 job to support his wife Lisa Greenwald. Presently, Chewbeads has become one of the strongest brands for babies that have sold over 140,000 chewable necklaces and products worldwide.

Final Verdict

Now that you have gone through some of the inspiring stories of mom entrepreneurs of the world, we are sure that you might have an inspiration for yourself.

These inspiring women as many other mom entrepreneurs found the courage to dive into the world of business and entrepreneurship where it becomes so hard for women to obtain needed initiative fundings for their ideas, to find proper mentorship, where is hard for moms to find time to put in their business and when it’s so easy to give in to the fear of failure.

So don’t they deserve applause? Being a part of man oriented society, not everyone likes to admit the struggles, obstacles, and rewards of working women. But if you look at the brighter and lighter side of the pandemic, the theories and myths of balancing work life and personal life have changed. Millions of dads faced and went through what most working moms have been familiar with.

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