Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance by G.E. Poole


Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance

by G.E. Poole

Genre: Science / Spirituality

ISBN: 9781923156562

Print Length: 488 pages

Reviewed by Kathy L. Brown

Discover your role in the cosmos with this fascinating intersection of science and faith.

Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance takes on the biggest of topics: life and death, good and evil, the nature of reality. This impassioned discussion will move those readers who are ready to accept its message. 

“So, if you really want to know? Herein is your answer if you can assimilate it. The species of human beings is an Experiment of Consciousness.”

The opening chapters include a survey of creation stories and myths from many cultures throughout the ages. This information sets the context for the book’s basic tenets of reality, based on the teachings of Pir O Murshid Shaikh Abdullah Isa Doughan. 

It then moves into a clear and fascinating description of various scientific principles of physics relevant to the spiritual aspects of vibration and frequency. Infrequent Frequencies takes a comparative religions approach to review the tenets of the major worldwide faiths. 

“Detailed study of each and every one of the sacred scriptures of the Hindu books, the Buddhist texts, the Zoroastrian Avesta, the Jewish Torah and Kabbalah, the Christian Bible, and the Muslim Koran will reveal the exact same Truth in many different ways and forms, from different angles, from different times, with different emphasis.”

This section also highlights key, although sometimes obscure, faith leaders and teachers, such as Vivekananda, H.I. Khan, and Ramakrishna. After an insightful discussion of death and dying, it closes with recommendations for increasing the world’s vibrational frequency through personal spiritual development.

Infrequent Frequencies looks to a Higher Power, generally in terms of a monotheistic deity, as the driving force behind human spiritual development and enlightenment. The wise contributions of Buddhism and the Tao to our understanding of an optimal inner life are also discussed. Long sections of sacred texts and teachings are quoted to provide primary sources. Pagan faiths, Earth religions, and atheist ethical philosophies are not part of this book’s stated paradigm. 

The book is written in direct address to the reader in a lively, matter-of-fact voice that is entertaining, enjoyable, and often humorous. I found the science section most interesting and enjoyed learning about the relationships among sound waves, music, and math, as well as the origin of ideas like harmonics and the “music of the spheres.” It’s always a treat to hear from engaging and informed voices like G.E. Poole.

I could have benefited from some discussion questions, journal prompts, or other specific activities to help me internalize the information presented though. Some words and terms could use more definition or explanation than what was provided too. Infrequent Frequencies… does provide a good selection of suggested readings and source material.

This book is chock-full of great things to talk about in faith group discussions, no matter the denomination.

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