Impeachment on Hulu

The betrayal of Monica Lewinsky

Whether you vote Democrat or Republican watching Impeachment makes you realize this pattern of bad behavior between both political parties has been going on for decades, fighting for power no matter the means or the individuals it affects.


Monica Lewinsky is known the world over for her liaison with President Bill Clinton, it may have been a relationship depending on who you ask. The betrayal she experienced not only at the hands of the President but also her colleague and trusted friend, Linda Tripp, this is explored in the series Impeachment.


Impeachment is a series that explores the depth people will stoop for power, money and fame. 


For almost two centuries the Democrat and Republican parties have been facing off every election. In 1996 with the re-election of Bill Clinton the stories about his relationships outside of his marriage came into focus. It seems the Republican party were determined to make an example of this bad behavior and set about interviewing and bringing forward lawsuits against the President in the hope to remove him from office.


Monica Lewinsky (Beanie Feldstein) an intern at the White House is moved to the Pentagon and befriends Linda Tripp (Sarah Paulson). Monica is a young woman in love, she is besotted with a man who calls her intermittently, she sees him only when he is free and this dalliance is only on his terms. She has to be available at his beck and call and sometimes she is left out in the dark for weeks on end, hoping that this love of her life will call. It just so happens that this man is President Bill Clinton (Clive Owens) and he has just been re-elected into the oval office.


Linda Tripp, a disgruntled government employee, who has spent a majority of her adult life working for the government in the White House, she has heard of many salacious stories. Growing ever disgruntled, she speaks out and is moved to the Pentagon. She is angry, very angry and this reassignment of work happens to occur during the first year of President Bill Clinton’s term in office.


Linda is furious she has been moved to a role that she sees as demeaning, she fails to understand that her behavior to others and her difficult attitude make her impossible to work with, but she blames everyone else and will do whatever she can to right a wrong. This is Linda’s motive throughout the entire series making sure everyone else is held accountable to Linda Tripp’s expectation, including the President of the United States.


Directed by Ryan Murphy, Impeachment is an fascinating insight into the dynamics of the White House during the Clinton Administration. It also explores how the Monica Lewinsky issue exploded and became a nation and international story that tried to shame a number of individuals but the one who suffered the most and was a young girl in love, Monica Lewinsky.


Beanie Feldstein as Monica Lewinsky is tremendous. Her performance is outstanding and you feel she portrays the innocence of a young woman who is genuinely in love with this man and believes that he feels the same way for her and that somehow they will end up together. It is just such a strong performance throughout every episode and Beanie demonstrates she has a great acting skill.


Sarah Paulson as Linda Tripp is also outstanding in this series. The characterization of Linda Tripp is flawless, you are repulsed and intrigued at the same time. The mannerisms of a chronic smoker, the fidgeting and constant belittling of everyone around her, it is perfection the perfect performance of someone on the edge, disgruntled at life and genuinely angry at the world around her.


Impeachment is difficult to watch at times as it dramatizes what can only be described as a very difficult period of time for Monica Lewinsky. She was simply someone in love, wanted to talk about her life with a friend who she thought she could trust, but is slowly betrayed by Linda Tripp in the effort to right a wrong but also make a quick buck. 


This limited drama series highlights the ongoing bad behavior between both political parties. This appalling behavior has been going on for years and years. All this jostling for power takes away their focus on the real job which isn’t about power but doing their job. The job that these people have been elected is to serve the people of America, which does not appear to be their priority, at all.


Impeachment is currently available for streaming on Hulu.

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