“I Ruined My Face”, Pretty Privilege, Insecurities

Dealing With Depression, Mental Health:

She is talking about her insecurities and the filler she got in her face.  She put on her make as she tells stories in 2017 she was doing these videos and she started to fix what God made perfect in my opinion it is a shame we have to judge our beauty against other peoples standards, She also deals with depression and other things. She did it to her face and she was upset about the face procedure. She is a fragile person so she could not talk about it. The face was too full. She was mad at herself for getting it. She would not do it again. She was honest about aging now. Being beautiful is really important and we need to focus more on the inside of women rather than the outside of the them. This is a really sad way to look at the world.  Our bodies are going to get old so we need to love more than our looks.

Dealing With Depression, Mental Health

She is dealing with depression and it feels like it’s bothering people when you talk about it. She is was upset she had eczema and this made her sad and she filled out the mental health examination. She was forced to see a therapist and if it looks like the sadness hasn’t gown away and the depression for longer than 2 weeks then your depressed. She thought it was normal to want to kill yourself. She thought about it a lot to kill herself. Depression starts and you start thinking about a way of killing yourself and it comes naturally after a while. When she does not have control she gets depressed and she has ADD. She has a problem with focusing. She does not finish for she starts.

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