Humanity in the Art of Lupita Fernandez Soberon

The art of Lupita Fernandez Soberon has a spiritual and physical connection with the artist who created it. There is no separation between the creations of Soberon and the life in which she lives. All inspiration derives from the real-life experiences that the artist has encountered. It is amazing how Soberon’s art possesses various creative styles and strong spiritual components simultaneously. Soberon’s art is about humans connecting with other humans, nature, and God. The art explores the perspective that humans reach on a path to enlightenment.

“Reflection, Revelation” ©2012 Lupita Fern‡ndez-Sober—n, pen, pencil & watercolor, 11×15 Inches

An incredible aspect of Soberon’s work is the expressionism the artist uses when projecting images. In Soberon’s art each figure is given a personal identity that reflects his or her momentary perspective on life. Soberon successfully humanizes each figure and gives the audience a perspective on their aspirations.

“Miss Fit” ©2010 Lupita Fern‡ndez-Sober—n, pen, pencil & pigment, 11×14 inches

In Miss Fit, Soberon is exploring the ideology behind the composition of the human body. On the surface it appears to be a realistic portrayal of a figure; however, the artist uses a clever device to make the audience see how there is a supernatural force behind human creation by expressing a missing body part as a puzzle piece. The figure’s expression and the artist’s visual device symbolizes that there is a creator behind all human composition that has intentionally put together the puzzle pieces that creates life.

Art by Lupita Fernandez Soberon

View the artist’s collections on Artmajeur and Fine Art America

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