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How Viola Davis Changed Chadwick Boseman’s Life | Life Stories by Goalcast

How Viola Davis Changed Chadwick Boseman's Life | Life Stories by Goalcast

Viola Davis is a force for good. She knows that all things good things come from struggle. Her life was not easy but as Denzil said women like her developed from pressure. She is not doing the easy way. Miss Jane Pitman the movie let her know that beautiful black women could be on the screen. She did not think she was beautiful and that is because in America we are not, when you have to be white to be beautiful. Now, this is bull and we are black people the original creation of God. If you believe in God the oldest bones are from Africa. We are not trash we are a treasure so when you listen to this beautiful woman’s journey for her to get here, knowing that is was no other way for her to be the black diamond without pressure. The women that came out of this pressure has a lot to teach us. Just watch and listen

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