How to win Friends and Influence People (Audiobook)

How to win Friends and Influence People

The book by Dale Carnegie, How to win friends and influence people is one of the timeless best sellers and most ground breaking of all the time.  The classic book was narrated by Andrew MacMillan, he narrated the book with such gusto that the listener will be hooked listening to every chapter of it. The book was published by Simon & Schuster Audio in 1936 with selling more than 15 million copies, worldwide which helped the author of the book Dale Carnegie, made his sales territory as the national leader for the firm he worked for.

What you need to know about the Author?

Dale Carnegie is known as the best writer of all the time. He was born in 1888 in Maryville, which is a small town in northwest Missouri. Carnegie belonged to a farmer family who grew their own fruits and vegetables, butchered and smoked their own pigs, and traded their eggs and milk for coffee and sugar which Dale always hated and tried to make finagle his way out of it. Later on, he moved to Warrensburg, in southeast Missouri, where there was a free university located.

Cutting the chase, when Dale wrote his book, ‘How to win Friends and Influence People’ there was a tail end of the Great Depression in America with the number of unemployment increasing and no hiring. So, Dale’s book also included some sound advice for those trying not to get fired and those who had jobs at that time were very frantic to hold their jobs.

Not just that, but his writing of Dale is known as the compendium of case studies of great men and their achievements, famous men like Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, and Lloyd George, and Great Britain’s Prime Minister during the First World War, softly wrote about the leader and the true leadership threads.

Carnegie’s volume aced the Sales Market for years

In the first three months of its first year of publishing, the book went through 17 print editions and sold 250,000 copies and became one of the most successful and impactful books in the history of America.

After 75 years of its publication, the audio book was listed 19th on Time Magazine’s list of the 100 most influential books of the year. Later on, In 2013 Carnegie’s volume was ranked as the seventh most influential book in American history by the Library of Congress.

The book has a strong impact and convenient to read

This advice book by Dale Carnegie is also considered as very convenient and easy to read with easy grammar and providing prodigious examples and stories which easily make it 10x easier to relate to and remember for the reader.

So, No doubt, why this advice book is best known as a self-help book, because it has helped millions of people for over 7 decades to climb the ladder of success and enhance their own personal lives and professional lives.

The self-help book by Dale Carnegie is now available in audio form

This book is the pure kind of perennial classic with the rock-solid advice that has carried thousands of now famous people up the ladder of success in their professional and personal lives. For all the book lovers, the good is that this book is now finally available in audiobook to keep its stronger impact in the digital era.

The idea of its availability in audiobook form is to help the listener who isn’t into that much reading, develop his interpersonal skills which include the improvement in certain aspects of one’s relationships and interactions with others.

Is this book worth reading?

Well, if you are still questioning its worth for you then let us dig a little deeper into if that’s the right book for you. So, if you are a human with many no human interactions on a daily basis who manages to live under the rock, then maybe you should definitely save the 10$, it costs for this book and invest it elsewhere.

But the catch is, if you are someone who interacts with people on a daily basis, or someone who is serious about improving his relationships or being someone that everyone enjoys being with, then this book can do wonders for you, pal. As this book will help you improve your relationships with people around you whether it includes people from your workplace, or your friends and family. In addition, this book is something that might provide you the entire acknowledgement you need for the positive outcomes.

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