How to Implement Network Security during Construction Projects

Network Security During Construction

Implementing Network Security during Construction

In order to appropriately determine the impact area construction may hold on the ability to access internet connections, executive management at technology companies must instruct information technology and cybersecurity professionals to diagnosis and treat the symptoms of disruption. While the initial observation of poor or no connectivity to the internet may appear to be the most immediate threat to the company’s business operation, the appropriate way to address the challenge involves conducting an inspection of each internal aspect of data communication. Even though direct corporate communication with the larger company conducting the construction project could lead to positive conversations regarding prospective solutions, including an analysis of data communication is not only within the company’s ability to provide a solution to the problem, but can address any related concerns to communication devices as the company strives to regain previous connection levels.

Internet and Threat Agents

When information technology professionals inspect the forms of data communication, staff provides an observational and technical analysis of any devices within each source and receiver, including desktop computers, company smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. The appropriate strategy includes the analysis of local communication devices as well as those in other geographic locations such as multiple area servers and other forms of remote communication. The source, or the device responsible for transmitting initial data, should be examined first in order to discover if any technical errors exist within those collecting information, or the receiver. Even though the lack of an internet connection may appear to be the sole issue on the surface, information technology staff may identity potential other threats like viruses, spyware, malware and a broad range of additional challenges through confirming the secure transmission of information from source to receiver. Additionally, the staff can rule out any internal malfunctioning communication devices as a contributing factor or primary reason for the company’s poor or non-functioning internet connections.


Since most companies with complex communication systems collect data from remote locations through different types of transmission circuits, information technology and cybersecurity staff conduct identical analysis on modems, routers, LAN, WAN, TCP/IP, ISDN and other network communication systems. Including both internal and external devices for analysis remains the appropriate protocol for handling connectivity issues. Only after these communication devices are known to possess no errors would it be safe to determine the adjacent business’ construction efforts as the reason for connectivity issues.

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