How Social Media Changes Entertainment

Social media has changed the way consumers view or purchase entertainment content and how they express ideas regarding creative works. Prior to Myspace, most internet users viewed media through web sites dedicated to specific forms of art. Most had favorite pages for images, music and reviews of television and film. The popularity of Facebook and YouTube made it convenient for users to view articles, videos, and share original content on social media.

A recent study by Penn Schoen Berland reports 88% of survey respondents view social media as a new form of entertainment. The market research firm indicates the average weekly user behavior among millennials:

– 8 hrs: Social networking sites

– 8 hrs: Music

– 7 hrs: Television shows

– 4 hrs: Movies

– 4 hrs: Video clips

The report found that 79% watch broadcast or cable television and use social media for sharing ideas regarding onscreen productions. An additional 41% use Twitter and Facebook to share thoughts during live broadcast and airings of scheduled shows. The report indicates the percentage of social media posts by genre:

– 56%: Comedy

– 46% Reality TV

– 38% Sports

– 26% Cable News

The study found that social media plays a significant role in helping viewers connect with articles, previews, behind-the-scenes content, and influence consumer behavior. 20% confirmed ads for entertainment found through social media had influence on purchasing decisions and 9% on comments and reviews.

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