How Much Does a Back-End Developer Earn?


A back-end web developer is in charge of server-side web application logic and the integration of front-end web developers‘ work. Back-end developers typically create web services and APIs that are used by front-end and mobile application developers.

Who is a Back-End Developer?

A back-end developer is someone who uses technology to create products for the backend of a website. A back-end developer is in charge of constructing the structure of a software application.

Back-end developers usually work in groups or as part of a team. Large teams include both back-end and front-end developers, who work together to create viable products. Backend developers work with front-end developers, principal architects, product managers, and testers to contribute to the development of a product.

Check out how much a Web developer earns.

To complete these tasks, back-end developers employ a variety of tools, languages, and frameworks. They use a variety of server-side languages to accomplish this, including Java,.NET, PHP, Ruby, NodeJS, and Java. They also use tools like MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, and SQL servers to create, read, update, or delete data and serve it back to the application’s client-side or front-end.

The average back-end developer’s salary

When different data sources are combined, the average back-end developer salary is around $89,767.50, but the differences between data sources can be significant.

According to PayScale, the average annual salary for a back-end developer is $87,009. (at the time of the publication). With a median hourly rate of $28.59.

According to Glassdoor data, the average back-end salary base pay is $107,952 per year., on the other hand, reports much higher salaries, with an average salary of $117,398 per year. With a yearly cash bonus of about $4,000 and stock options.

Although ZipRecruiter does not calculate an average back-end salary for a specific job, a search for jobs with the keywords “back-end web developer” yields the above data for specific salary ranges. As a result, an average salary of (at least) $105,000 per year can be calculated.

Earnings by experience

As you might expect, the salary of a back-end developer is heavily influenced by his or her level of experience.

According to Payscale, an entry-level Back End Developer/ Engineer with less than one year of experience can expect to earn $67,407 in total compensation (tips, bonus, and overtime pay). An entry-level Back End Developer/Engineer with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total salary of $80,275. A Back End Developer/Engineer in their mid-career with 5-9 years of experience earns an average total compensation of $95,000. An experienced Back End Developer/Engineer with 10-19 years of experience earns a total compensation of $130,000 on average.

Other factors that influence a back-end developer’s salary

Core Skills

Though job requirements vary, back-end developers must have a working knowledge of, if not the command of, several technical languages and programs. Python, Java, SQL, NoSQL, and Git are just a few of the essential back-end developer skills.

An aspiring development professional can hone their skill set in a variety of ways. If you don’t have the time or money to devote to undergraduate studies — or if you already have a degree in another field — you might want to consider alternative education options, such as a coding boot camp to learn web development, which can teach the technical skills that back end developers require in a short period of time and at a reasonable cost.

Vital additional skills

While the following skills add little value to a back-end developer’s portfolio on their own, when a developer is familiar with a number of them in addition to the core skills, they add a lot:

Source: Indeed

Source: Payscale

Before you leave

The internet is a constantly changing universe. Everything we use and see in our daily lives has migrated to the internet. With the advancement of technology, there is a greater demand for back-end developers. So, if you want to give your career some direction, backend development is a good option for a thrilling and exciting career.

Don’t leave without checking out our article on the current state of technical hiring.

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