House of Odysseus – Claire North – Lost In A Good Book


Book Title: House of Odysseus

Series:  The Songs of Penelope (#2)

Author:  Claire North

Goodreads Link:

Release Date:  8/22/23

Star Rating:

Rating: 5 out of 5.

What an absolute delight!

My absolute favorite book of 2022 was ITHACA. I loved the story and the voice of the main narrator was wonderful. So I was impatiently waiting to see book two. When I got it I was surprised and worried about a change in narrator. Would she be as biting and funny as Hera was in book one? I might not be the best reader for these books since I have very little knowledge of Greek myths and the tale of Odysseus. Was I going to like Aphrodite as the main voice of House of Odysseus?

I should have trusted the author a little more. This book was just as wonderful as book one. I am driving everyone nuts with how much I praise this series. If you love me you will read this. I swear by Hera, you will love it. It is full of everything I love, a little sarcasm, a lot of wit, found family, brilliant, brave women and even a couple of surprising male heroes in a world where male heroism is vaunted but lacking. I am here in the same place I was after book 1. Impatient for book 3.


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