Homeless Man In San Clemente Shot By Police Officers. And other cases not in the news. Now we have spin Video police.

Nothing changed cops still killing unarmed black men

1641 – that is how many known fatal shootings there have been by police of unarmed black men in this country between 2013 and 2019. Illinois ranks in the top third. “allegedly armed” cases are situations in which police asserted the victim had a gun, but no conclusive evidence was found to that effect. Here are their names and circumstances.

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What is sad to me in 2021 black people are not seen as human we are still the property of the state. They will beg a white for 30 min to put the gun down and shoot a black child with a toy gun down in 30 seconds. The weaponizing of black skin is so sad. Police are that scared of us then don’t be police. Black officers and women officers don’t kill as many people as white males. This is a never-ending trend  George Floyd’s murder was so sad on so many levels white people can only feel sympathy for us if we die by strangulation or killed in our homes.

So what is the answer we are human beings, not animals?  So treat as such.  Trump wanted the protesters in the streets they were offered a plea deal. for 3rd degree and 10 years in prison and  Attorney Barr turned it down so the protest would continue in the streets. If the public had seen this man get convicted the marching would have stopped and Trump would not have gotten his photo op with a Bible. This is a Bible, not his Bible.  He teargassed a peaceful crowd and lead the insurrection to the Capitol. Republicans love this man they are kissing his ring as we speak. So 500,000 lives lost could have 4,000 if he would have acted right away. But it was just black and brown people dying. Just friends and family that is all and mostly black. Even Governor Cuomo is being attacked for not telling the whole truth about all the nursing home people that died.

So here we are black in America undervalued and discarded treated like animals with no souls. So what did Trump do with his last days in office he killed lots of blacks on death row. Prisoners who had changed and made peace and tried to help others stay straight?  The administration with  Atty Barr in charge got those murders going. So in closing, nothing changed it’s just not in the news anymore, the killing continues under the radar.

Police wrestling with a white man.

Police making excuses for killing a white man



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