HBO’s Live-Action Harry Potter TV Series

A Harry Potter TV show is exactly what the franchise needs in order to reach audiences. The books written by J.K. Rowling generated billions of dollars and are currently popular with readers of the new generation. While the books were at its peak population with the Millennials, today’s youngest generation have not only Harry Potter books, but also board games, video games, new books that are based on side quest of the major characters, and this upcoming TV series for HBO Max. The production is still very early in the process. According to the Hollywood Reporter, some of the writers have been selected for the production but they have yet to cast, develop scripts and get all the production elements ready for the TV show. The writing staff is not yet complete. It also has not been confirmed if J.K. Rowling will be a writer as well. They are also still deciding if the TV show will be a reflection of the books and films or be entirely new stories and adventures.

The Harry Potter franchise is owned by Warner Bros. and J.K. Rowling. It is one of the most valuable pieces of intellectual property in the world. In the 2000s, thousands of fans would line up outside bookstores in order to get their hands on the latest Harry Potter book. The films would sell out quickly. Harry Potter toys were in high demand during the time of the franchise’s peak popularity. Now that there hasn’t been a major release from the intellectual property, 2021 and 2022 are perfect times to release a TV series. At one point, some analyst thought there was too much Harry Potter content being released at the same time. Since there has been awhile since the last major Harry Potter product, the fans are eager to discover information about this upcoming TV series. The franchise has generated over seven billion dollars, and Warner Bros. is looking for the best talent it can find in order to increase this number as highly as possible. From theme park rides to a brand-new TV series, Harry Potter continues to resonate with audiences who want to experience as much of the franchise’s content as possible.

Harry Potter will be joining other large franchises that are exclusive to HBO Max. The streaming service is already streaming DC Comics films and TV shows, it is showcasing Friends and is planning on a reunion of the cast in March 2021, Game of Thrones, Sex and City (with a new series revival) and several others. HBO Max has a collection of successful intellectual property, which makes the streaming service a must have for many fans. 

One of the challenges in creating the new Harry Potter TV show is that the intellectual property is owned by different parties. Since J.K. Rowling owns part of the franchise, this can be a good opportunity for the TV show as she is the original creator of Harry Potter and is comfortable with developing characters and plot lines for all Harry Potter content. Her input on the new show could be the difference between creating a good Harry Potter series and a great one that many fans may find a continuity with its previous books and big screen productions, which could make for a better show.

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