Hack Me Down Foundation

Art Competition for Engineers

The No Starch Press Foundation (NSPF) is giving away 2021 Grant Cycle, and accepts applications by Sept. 6, 2021. NSPF awards up to $100,000 USD in grants of no less than $10,000 for each project designed for a worldwide hacker community.

Hackers also are to create not just steal, good hackers are engineers that might be mathematicians, scientists, roboticists, programmers, physicists, or computer security specialists. This is art too. “Hackers globally and of all types, both old and new school, play an increasingly important role in driving innovation, improving computer security, teaching our young people, and growing our collective knowledge,” says NSPF Founder and Chair of the Board, Bill Pollock. “The Foundation was formed to further this mission through our grant program, which is designed to directly support the global hacking community.”

The applicants include hackers of all ages and applications need to support projects ranging from machine learning and new AI programming languages, to quantum computing, cybersecurity etc in order to promote global public awareness of elite engineering skills“

Just hack down the site right away at by Sept. 6th


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