
There are many many good photographs online today. There are also many platforms where the good images can be displayed. If you have digital photo collections of important and/or endangered nature world sites, works or art, a stars of festivals, anything really you can published it on sites like Instagram, Picasa, Flickr…But if you take a closer look and consider whether they may be used to aid process of digital archiving in order to let say, create 3D models, there are ways to protect it from the worst case scenarios. By just looking at it, all of the photos in a line you can tell whether they were shot with same lens, or if they were shot with proper camera etc. “How do we look at photography as art?” We all should have a curious eye looking at the evolution of the photographic processes,where the ideas are important in order to shaped the art form in an attempt to understand the medium better.

One usual way to protect and copyright your work is to put them on a photography platform. Here is the one I found: GuruShots is a photography platform for photographers of all levels. We can try to join daily photo challenges, for start and get instant feedback, massive exposure and win real prizes.

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