Google Play Music is Transferring to YouTube Music

Source: Google Play

Unfortunately, there are very few record stores open for business in the United States and around the world. Thinking about those teen and young adult years where buying music was a fun and frequent experience, many technology users today have never had that experience due to the digitalization of songs and albums. There was something magical for the consumer when they bought a new record they could not wait to purchase, or those who would save their allowances and get their favorite cassette or CD over the weekend. Buying music-like many other mediums of art-has become digitalized and no longer requires driving to the local store and picking up your favorite music.

Over the last couple decades, there have been many types of technology developed that played everything from MP3s to modern music files now being used by music streaming services.

The two most frequently used apps for storing music today have been Google Play Music and Apple Music (formerly iTunes). However, one of them is about to go through a major innovation that will change the way millions of android and iOS users experience music.

Google Play Music is now becoming a part of YouTube Music, which will become Google’s official application for music discovery and listening. Access to Google Play Music will begin to phase out starting in October and finishing by the end of 2020.

Millions of fans have used Google Play Music to store large quantities of music. Google has developed a one-click solution for transferring all media from Google Play Music, including playlists, uploads and recommendations into a YouTube Music account. Even though Google mostly develops products on the android platform, it is also possible to transfer media from Apple Music over to YouTube music as well. By making itself available for both platforms, Google will likely create a music app with more media files than its competitive streaming services. Google has already announced that the YouTube Music app has more than 65 million songs and albums currently available.

YouTube Music allows the users to stream their songs or download them for listening offline. The service will be unique in the sense that it will also have live performances and full concerts that can also be streamed or downloaded. Google seems to take the best ideas from music streaming services, along with the standard, and collaborate them while also providing a new method of music storage. While android users (who are former Google Play Music listeners) will probably download YouTube Music the most, iOS users will still have the option of using Apple Music and YouTube Music simultaneously if they want access to both programs.

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