‘Go Set a Watchman’ and the Classic ‘Mockingbird’

According to the author’s publicist, Harper Lee’s latest novel ‘Go Set a Watchman’ has received strong criticism from readers and writers. The text supposedly had been written before ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, and depicts the characters in a different way than in the classic novel. Many discuss the perception of Atticus Finch in the new work as being the reverse of the original character, which makes the Mockingbird plot seem unlikely to have occurred or function as a sequel.

Typically, I will read everything I can; however, for the first time I think I won’t be reading this book. I believe Mockingbird represents an important part of history, and I appreciate its characters and their pursuit for equality during the period. I question the reasoning for releasing a novel that could potentially ruin a piece of American literature for future generations.

One of my favorite acting roles was playing Tom Robinson in the stage production at Metro Theatre Company. We did the show in 2009, and it felt like we were doing something that resonated with audiences. I think if we were to do the show today it would also have social relevance. It was an honor to perform the show with Mary Badham, who played Scout in the original film, in the audience and after show discussion. I remember watching the film in school and on television and understanding that I was viewing something legendary. The production reinforced my opinions regarding the novel and film.

I am more interested in the reasons for releasing the novel than actually reading it. It would be enlightening to view a documentary or a behind-the-scenes production on the publicist and the decision for preparing Watchman for distribution.

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