Go Abstract With Mona Niko

LA Art Call

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In theory, the term abstract art can be applied to art that is based on an object, figure or landscape, with simplified or schematized forms. It is also, applied to the art that uses forms, such as geometric shapes or gestural marks, which have no source at all in external visual reality. Abstract art is often placed with a moral dimension, where artists see virtues such as purity, simplicity, order or spirituality, depending on the artist’s character. Many artists mentioning ‘pure’ abstraction have preferred terms such as concrete art or non-objective art. In reality, in practice, the word abstract is used to make a distinction between something that is not always obvious. But ever since the early 1900s, abstract art has formed a central place in modern art. Abstraction allows man to see with his mind what he cannot see physically with his eyes….Abstract art enables the artist to perceive beyond the tangible, to extract the infinite out of the finite. It is the emancipation of the mind. It is an exploration into unknown areas.”
― Arshile Gorky

According to people who are not in the art, abstract art is an actual modern art because it has no proper form or shape. It is surrounded by”basic elements such as form, color, texture, scale, composition, with or without mysticism, and any reference to the external worldb.” Abstract art is an art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead uses shapes, colors, forms ad that is why it is referred to as mystic art. Anything can fit in there, really anything. Ancient or modern, dark or light, abstract art can be found as very relevant or irrelevant at the same time. Art should look like art, trees and flowers and people, not weird shapes and splotches of color all smeared together.”

― Jennifer Estep, Deadly Sting

I love abstract art! How about you? It fits in my sense of aesthetics, especially if we are talking about space. Any space really, a living space, an art space etc…in one word, it easily sustain within practical not just artistic forms. An abstract in art is by now, very much acceptable, by any other means. “Energy and motion made visible – memories arrested in space”
Jackson Pollock

Mona Niko ART

Mona Niko Gallery in LA is seeking abstract art submissions. This exhibition is open to any form of abstract work, including small sculptures. It is open to all local, national and international artists, professional and amateur. Multiple art mediums are encouraged for this art call. That is acrylic, airbrush, charcoal, color pencil, computer art, digital art, digital photography, drawings, ceramics encaustic, fiber arts, graphite, illustration, mixed media, oil, pastel, pen and ink, photo assemblage, printmaking, sculpture, traditional photography, video, and watercolor.

The deadline  is November 7, 2021
There is an entry fee $35 for up to 3 images
Awards are First Place $250, second Place $150, third Place $100

Go to the website to apply: https://monaniko.com/


Shop 47-The Shops At Mission Viejo CA 92691

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