Get The COVID Vaccine and Get Paid: A Novel Idea?

Andrew Yang is proposing Former Congressman John Delaney's idea for US citizens to get paid just to get a shot

Business entrepreneur and former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang is proposing the idea being introduced by Former Congressman John Delaney. He’s pushing the narrative for lawmakers to pay people to take the COVID vaccine when it’s ready for release and distribution. It’s gaining some traction but there are anti-vaxers like myself who are refusing to take it or some who will in a year or so when they know it’s a trustworthy vaccine that has been out there a while and it’s safe and effective. Some think the idea is evil and is a form of blackmail. They are skeptical because it motivates people to take it and it mandates the narrative that vaccines are the ‘end-all’ cure which is entirely false! It’s just a placebo and a way for ‘big pharma’ to profit. Perhaps that was the whole motive behind releasing the virus to the U.S. and the world. And the government is full of lies! To them, all we are is just pawns and their experiment! Nothing is guaranteed and not even a vaccine. Their game is all about power and control and for us to depend solely on the government for money and them for our tax dollars where they spend it foolishly for their unneeded special interests. I wouldn’t put too much stock into what anyone says!

Yang, a political commentator for CNN explained in a recent YouTube video, “It’s vital that Americans take the vaccine so we can return to some degree of normalcy but we also know that there’s a lot of skepticism. So we should put our money where our mouth is and say, “Look, if you get the vaccine we’ll give you $1,000-$1,500–“We should be putting money into people’s hands right now because we’re asking more and more folks to stay home and stay out of their places of employment–because coronavirus infection rates are increasing and certainly we should pay people where these vaccinations are concerned.”

He also said, “You have gridlock that ceasing up any attempt to get cash relief or relief for small businesses ‘out the door’ where the Republicans and Democrats have been hundreds and billions of dollars apart for quite some time.” “I think we should put money into people’s hands right now–where it would increase widespread trust and adoption of the vaccine.”

Yang’s ideas may be called ‘far-fetched’ or ‘out of this world’, but the Universal Basic Income (UBI) or ‘Freedom Dividend’ as he calls it makes perfect sense. The world is definitely changing and so is the economy. We need UBI more than ever now on a permanent basis even when the pandemic ends.

While I agree that UBI is a necessity in a pandemic and in an economic recession that we’re currently in, I am not convinced that a vaccine alone would be very effective and is our complete freedom from COVID. What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments section.

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