George Floyd the new Emmett Till will this be enough to make change; Video of the killing explained.

When Tamir Rice was killed playing with a gun would this be enough? When Sandy Hook happened would this be enough these their white children? And white America swept that under the rug. When Black kids in gangs come up with assault rifles just left open for gang members to find with the bullet. Would that be enough to stop let’s think about black on black crime? When I was a social worker running a boy’s home a young man ” I will call him Joe” came to my door and thanked me for finding a program called youth build it taught drywall work and it paid well once you finish. My residents told the other young man I call him “sam” not to disrespect the young lady on the porch earlier that day. the sam the got in the argument with and came back with a shotgun and the joe I help get a job had a brother that was deep in the streets and he told him to take it back home and or it would be trouble: he said bye to me and I called the police they were around the corner they took one hour to get there. The kid saved me not the police. I asked what took so long and they said. New gang protocol we wait to clean up the bodies. We don’t put ourselves in danger. The house next door got firebombed and I had to close the boy’s home for their safety which cost me my job. So to protect and Serve is not in the black community. It is occupied, destroy, and Kill the thug/ Black man. We don’t see it the same way. So I am not sure this is a tipping point. If killing white kids don’t move you to change. It is hard to see George Floyd and countless other Black people and children would make a difference.

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