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From the Page to Broadway: Which Book-to-Stage Adaptation Aligns With Your August Horoscope?

Step into a world where the stars align with the magic of musicals and the enchanting tales of book-to-stage adaptations. Discover how your August horoscope resonates with beloved characters who’ll guide you through a month of drama, passion, and inspiration.

Josh Groban and the cast
Chad Batka

♌️ Leo ♌️

(July 23 – August 22)
Natasha, Pierre, & the Great Comet of 1812
Your birthday month is looking a little rough, Leo. As Mercury goes retrograde in your solar
second house of finance, anticipate a financially bumpy time. This can arise from an upcoming
bill being higher than expected, an emergency spending, or a sudden loss of a second income.
In addition to this, be sure to stay on top of schedule changes. Mercury is the planet of
communication and when it’s in retrograde, there is often an abundance of missing information or
confusing messages. Don’t sign any important documents if you can help it! Use the month’s
energies, which are very reminiscent of War and Peace to make meaningful progress and
align with your true self

Ben Crawford, Emma Pfaeffle, Kathy Fitzgerald, F. Michael Haynie, Alan H. Green, Christian Borle, Trista Dollison, John Rubinstein, Ryan Foust, Jackie Hoffman, and Michael Wartella
Joan Marcus

♍️ Virgo ♍️

(August 23 – September 22)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
You’re feeling a weight off your shoulders, Virgo, as Venus occupies your sign, bringing a
lightness to your life as you get tasks off your plate. You’ll be able to easily complete backlogged
assignments and things that you’ve been begrudgingly putting off. Your communication may be
a little all over the place this month as Mercury goes retrograde, then back in Leo before going
direct again by the end of the month. If people seem confused by what you’re saying, at least
you know why! The New Moon in Leo will leave you enthusiastic and childlike, take this chance
to do something fun and unique for yourself. Additionally, this New Moon will provide a kind of
clarity for you. It may be that you finally figure out how to tackle something that’s stumped you or
you may have an epiphany about a friendship. The intuitive and playful nature of this month
recalls the vibes of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Cast of The Secret Garden
Matthew Murphy

♎️ Libra ♎️

(September 23 – October 22)
The Secret Garden
Your focus is shifting in August, Libra. With the New Moon in Leo bringing in a tone of
humanitarian interests and interpersonal relationships. You’ll be craving a new way of helping
others or contributing to a greater good. For you, this could be anything from donating old
clothes to worthwhile organizations, volunteering your skills, or donating to causes that you
admire. Either way, you’ll find that this investment will be deeply beneficial for you this month.
You might have been feeling out of touch with yourself recently, this is a good way of deepening
your spirit and reconnecting with yourself. It’s not all serious however, this New Moon is
specifically in your 11th house of friendship and community (e.g. volunteering), meaning that
you’ll also find yourself surrounded by friends in your free time. The Secret Garden follows a
similar path of friendship and deeper enlightenment.

Ben Crawford and Emilie Kouatchou in The Phantom of the Opera
Matthew Murphy

♏️ Scorpio ♏️

(October 23 – November 21)
The Phantom of the Opera

Expect an abnormally busy August, Scorpio. With Mercury moving swiftly from retrograde, to
direct in Leo, you may find your workload increasing from all angles—especially in terms of
communication. This can manifest as more emails, written projects, networking events, or
speaking gigs for you. You’ll be exchanging a lot of information and analyses with others, be
sure to try and keep them all straight as this can get overwhelming. This unique attention and
busy focus is further boosted by the New Moon in Leo in your 10th house of popularity. Others
will see you as dynamic and interesting, putting you more on a pedestal than you want
to be. It also spotlights your growing workload and interested frequent contact with a manager
who is preparing you for better opportunities. This swift change in attention and popularity,
especially with a workspace, reminds us of Christine Daaé’s rise as lead soprano in The
Phantom of the Opera

Isabelle McCalla and Grant Gustin in Water for Elephants
Matthew Murphy

♐️ Sagittarius ♐️

(November 22 – December 21)
Water for Elephants
This month, Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo bringing miscommunicated and mixed messages
between family and friends for you, Sagittarius. On top of this, the New Moon in Leo, a fire sign
compatible with yours, enters your ninth house of travel. Long story short, these misunderstands
will frustrate you this month and all you’ll want to do is leave that all behind. You’ll be tempted to
pack your bags for a refreshing getaway, far from what is expected or wanted of you. If this is
the case, don’t make rash decisions and think things through before leaving! The rest of the
month boasts time with friends and long-distance relatives who might be traveling as well. Be
sure to even leave a little room for romance at the end of the month. With a potential late
summer romance and feelings of running away, your horoscope will be swept up with the circus like in Water for Elephants.

Aaron De Jesus and Mauricio Martinez in Man of La Mancha
Cliff Roles

♑️ Capricorn ♑️

(December 22 – January 19)
Man of La Mancha
You’ve been making travel plans lately, Capricorn, but be sure to triple check everything before
you leave—car reservations, plane tickets, hotel stays, etc. With Mercury going retrograde in
Virgo, you may find even the most well-thought-out plans getting delays or hiccups. Additionally,
this vacation may be more introspective and soul focused than you initially expected. With this
retrograde in your ninth house of philosophy, time away from the everyday grind might have you
reconsidering aspects of your lifestyle or relationships. Thankfully, not your relationships!
Whether platonic, familial, business, or romantic, those close to you won’t cause trouble this
month (at least not more than usual). Philosophy mixed with travel brings about thoughts of
Miguel de Cervantes’s epic novel, Don Quixote.

Eddie Redmayne and company of Cabaret
Marc Brenner

♒️ Aquarius ♒️

(January 20 – February 18)
Aquarius, money should be on your mind this month. As Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo in
your solar eight house of money and income, then direct in Leo, you may notice a little shift in
your finances. This is especially true in long-term money, such as investments or savings.
Stay on top of financial transactions or interest rates you may have ignored in the past. On the
bright side, the New Moon in Leo spotlights your partnership matters this month. Spend quality
time with friends and even colleagues to strengthen those relationships. This is especially the case if it’s over mutual interests and small groups, versus a large get-together. Money matters,
close friends, and fluctuations are key in Christopher Isherwood’s Welcome to Berlin, which
later inspired Cabaret.

Joy Woods and Ryan Vasquez in The Notebook
Julieta Cervantes

♓️ Pisces ♓️

(February 19 – March 20)
The Notebook
August is focused on romance for you, Pisces, as Virgo occupies Venus for most of the month in
your seventh house of relationships. If you’re not in a relationship, you can expect a late
summer fling to appear. If you’re committed to someone, more romantic and thoughtful days
with your significant other are ahead. Additionally, you’ll be in good productive spirits in general
as the Leo New Moon energizes your productivity levels. This can help you accomplish more in
your personal and professional life, maybe even build a house with blue shutters. Keep an eye
on potentially collaboration opportunities with workmates as these partnerships could put you
further into a positive spotlight in your career. Love and romance this month? Sounds like The
 to us!

Jeremy Jordan, Eva Noblezada, and company of The Great Gatsby
Matthew Murphy and Evan Zimmerman

♈️ Aries ♈️

(March 21 – April 19)
The Great Gatsby
Where’s the party and can you take us there, Aries? With Mars and Jupiter in Gemini this
month, you’ll enjoy many a social moment, even having to turn down a handful due to an
extremely packed calendar! Holding on to the last bits of summer this August, you’ll find time to
revel with friends and experience new places. Additionally, with the Leo New Moon entering
your love-focused solar fifth house in Venus, Jupiter, andMars, this month also promises to be
a romantically adventurous one. Keep an eye out for any friends or previous lovers that you’d
want to give a second chance to. With a month full of glitz, parties, and affairs of the heart, it
only seems fitting to compare Aries’ horoscope to The Great Gatsby (minus the tragedy).

Kelli O’Hara and Jose Llana in The King and I
Paul Kolnik

♉️ Taurus ♉️

(April 20 – May 20)
The King and I
With Mercury moving retrograde in Virgo, in your fifth house of hobbies and pleasure, you’ll find
a little friction in what you typically enjoy. This might mean that you’ll have a difficult
time doing what you normally love, or someone can stand in the way of how you typically go
about your business. However, once Mercury is direct again in Leo, the planets promise you a
good time for travel! If you’ve been looking to explore the world and visit new countries, late
August might be the perfect time for you, Taurus! With adventures to unknown parts and tension
with those that don’t think like you, Anna Leonowens’ tale from Anna and the King of Siam immediately comes to mind!

Cast of The Outsiders
Matthew Murphy

♊️ Gemini ♊️

(May 21 – June 20)
The Outsiders
This month, Gemini, you’re in for a dynamic ride as planetary movements stir up your usual way
of doing things. While you’re one of the more scattered zodiac signs, the beginning of the month
promises a focused mindset as Mercury, your ruling planet, enters Virgo. However, this quickly
changes as it goes retrograde around mid-August. Because of this, expect some communication
hiccups and large misunderstandings. Keep an eye on how you speak to others and what words
are exchanged, as these small mistakes can lead to larger conflicts. Instead, it’s a great time to
revisit and review your current projects or relationships rather than starting something new. This
is further bolstered by the New Moon in Leo in your third house of communication, making you
want to be more direct in your communications and driving you to find the “truth” in all you do.
Unfortunate miscommunication and a search for truth remind us of S.E. Hinton’s The

Kate Baldwin and Norbert Leo Butz in Big Fish
Paul Kolnik

♋️ Cancer ♋️

(June 21 – July 22)
Big Fish
An energetic August is in the stars for you, Cancer! Your money and social life are lining up
nicely, with very few concerns about either. Mars and Jupiter in Gemini will significantly help you
balance your schedules as social invitations come your way. The New Moon in Leo promises a
little fun in terms of shopping! If there is a purchase you’ve been desiring, like a new bag or
piece of jewelry, get it! Don’t be mistaken though, this is not the time for frivolous or excessive
spending. Your enthusiastic energy this month will also spill over to your romantic life. If you’re
already in a relationship, expect to hear praises from your partner especially bolstered by romantic aspects between Venus and the Moon this month. The positive and downright
whimsical planetary placements for you in August remind us greatly of the romance and joy of
Big Fish

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