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Former FedEx employee allegedly opened fire at facility, killing 8 | WNT

Former FedEx employee allegedly opened fire at facility, killing 8 | WNT

Police identified the suspect as 19-year-old Brandon Scott Hole. FedEx said that he was a former employee at the facility. Eight people were killed, and at least four were injured in the shooting.

51 mass shootings have happened so far this year. He was a 19-year old white male that killed  8 people killed and he injured more. They had an active shooter when the police were called. They are not allowed to have phones at fed ex. The suspect mother called the police and said he was a danger to himself. He was trying to die by the police but earlier this year the police took a shotgun, he decided to take his own life after killing 8 people 4 inside and 4 outside. Not sure that he is any connection to Fed X besides being a former employee. There have already been 3 mass shootings and I would bet they are all Trump supporters. The sad thing is you can’t preach hate for four years and this is not expected your words not to have consequences. Trump spoke and hate and division. This act was no different than going to the church and killing black people. So sad we have right about this mess almost daily. God help us find our way.

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