Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper discusses revelations about former President Trump and it is not good. New audio of Lindsey Graham talking about Trump and January 6

Defense Secretary nominee Mark Esper testifies before a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on his nomination in Washington, U.S. July 16, 2019. REUTERS/Erin Scott

Trump was not faithful to the office of president and he wanted to pull all Americans out of Africa, he wanted to be out of NATO and he wanted to shoot missiles into Mexico to kill the drug cartels. He was working in his own self-interest. He wanted to call back General to active duty so he can court-martial them. He wanted them to be loyal to him. He was a sad little man who happen to be president. He was talking about Generals like they were his army. He was talking about giving them all this money and we can’t beat China and Afghanistan and was just a damn shame. The soldiers were wounded by the missile strikes and the president did not care at all. The oath is to the constitution period.

He thinks Trump was a threat to the government. You have to give Ukrain help. He wanted to blockade Cuba, Trump wanted to attack Venezuela’s military against them, and attack Iran, with No strategic retreats, No unnecessary wars, the politicization of the military, and no misuse of the military. Trump said they will not know it was us. He had to talk Trump down. Protest for social justice and he wanted to shoot black people. He said you all or fucking Losers and he wanted to shoot kill protesters. In the nation’s capital and this is the man they wanted to be President again. If he spoke out and he knew he would be fired. My oath is to the constitution.

The January 6th the country did not come together after president Biden took office, Biden Trying to help black people which is what is wrong for the republicans. They want to keep America white period. Republicans want to win and they will dance with the devil for that. And Democrats try too hard to work with republicans. All of the new Republicans only vote for Trump they don’t give damn about nobody else.

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