Forget Me Not: A New Romantic Comedy Coming to VOD and Digital December 17

A 24-Hour Love Story

Forget Me Not (Quicksilver Films, TV-14) is a new romantic comedy film coming to VOD and digital on December 17. The film is written and produced by Mark Underwood and Rebecca Long and directed by Alexander Holt and Lance Roehrig. It is distributed by Trinity Creative Partnership. (Runtime-93 minutes)

The film stars Tobias Menzies (“Game Of Thrones”, “The Crown”) Genevieve O’Reilly (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story), Gemma Jones, and Luke De Woolfson.

The synopsis focuses on two strangers who meet in London, England; a man named Will Fletcher, a talented musician who’s struggling with a personal tragedy leads him to a beautiful bartender, Eve. Will is hiding a secret about a personal issue from his past that he can’t shake. Their love unexpectedly blossoms as they spend the next 24 hours together, but there’s one problem. Can their love survive the tragic secret Will has been hiding?

Watch the YouTube trailer and see for yourself. It looks like a very beautifully-crafted film for all to watch.

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