‘Finally, infrastructure week’: White House celebrates $1T bill

© Associated Press/Alex Brandon

President Biden and other members of the White House on Saturday took a victory lap following passage of the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, quipping that “infrastructure week” has finally arrived in Washington.

“Finally, infrastructure week!” Biden said to open his remarks at the White House on Saturday touting passage of the bill. “I’m happy to say that: infrastructure week.”

The House late Friday passed the bill by a vote of 218-203. Lawmakers sent the legislation to Biden’s desk after a weeks-long standoff over Democrats’ larger $1.75 trillion social spending package, which progressives demanded be passed in tandem with the bipartisan bill.

The lower chamber on Friday night advanced a rule that establishes debate parameters for the bigger package, but the chamber is not expected to vote on it until later this month.

“So does this mean it’s finally infrastructure week?” ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl tweeted after the House joined the Senate in passing the bipartisan bill.

“You better believe it,” White House communications director Kate Bedingfield replied, with other White House officials also touting “infrastructure week.”

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