Facebook and Twitter Considered Best Social Media for News

The excellent writers over at CNET compiled some helpful information from a Pew Research study regarding the use of social media-particularly for discovering and sharing news.

According to Pew Research Center, half of American adults access news through social media in 2020, and the number has decreased slightly to 48% in 2021. 31% of those surveyed pinpointed that they get news from Facebook, 22% from YouTube and 13% from Twitter. Even though the numbers are lower for Twitter, the research indicates that many users consider it as a helpful resource for connecting with news. Among global Twitter users, 54% of them declared that they receive news through Twitter.

According to Pew, “Fewer than one in 10 Americans say they regularly get news from Reddit (7%), Tik Tok (6%), LinkedIn (4%), Snapchat (4%), WhatsApp (3%) and Twitch (1%).

The Pew study was conducted on surveys between July and August Among 11,000 people who were a “nationally representative panel of randomly selected US adults.”

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