Every Little Step- A glimpse into the behind the scenes work on Broadway

Every Little Step

A fly on the wall look at the casting of the 2008 revival of A Chorus Line

Source: amazon.com

Having Broadway withdrawals?? In my quest to maintain my love for Broadway during this pandemic when all live theater performances have been closed for the immediate future. There are a number of Broadway based documentaries available for streaming. One such documentary is Every Little Step.

Every Little Step, follows the audition process for the Broadway revival of A Chorus Line. But as a number of the original Broadway cast are involved in the revival there is footage and interviews of the original performers.

But what makes this entire documentary fascinating is the use of an audio recording by Michael Bennett interviewing the cast one evening in 1979.

Michael Bennett was a Broadway Theater Director and Choreographer, who is responsible for (Promises, Promises), Follies, Company and won his well deserved Tony Award for A Chorus Line in 1975.

Understanding the creative process of the original production and to include footage of the workshop and development process, demonstrates the work that a show requires of the cast and crew. The changes that were made during the workshops that overall enhanced the production are simply intriguing. Watching artists use their mind to develop their project and then watch the reception it receives from a live audience as it is performed really is captivating.

Including the original development process from 1974 with the actual casting process of the 2008 revival makes the documentary engaging, for anyone who loves Broadway and the live theater, or anyone curious about the creative process of a Broadway show.

Produced and Directed by James D Stern and Adam Del Deo, Every Little Step demonstrates the personal anguish that performers endure when going through the audition process. The love and passion they have for their craft and how dedicated they are with each audition with the hope that they land the role.

Interviews with Donna McKechnie, the original Cassie from the 1975 production, underline the creative genius of Michael Bennett and his overall involvement with the development with the original A Chorus Line. But also watching the footage of Donna rehearsing her dance numbers and singing “The Music and the Mirror”, you can’t help but understand the stamp she has left on the character of Cassie for all future revivals of the role.

Every Little Step does captivate the audience throughout the creative process of putting on a Broadway show. For anyone who is a Broadway lover, enthusiast or something who is just curious about the work that goes into getting a show on stage. This documentary opens up the world of theater and will leave you craving to see a show on a stage.

Every Little Step is available free through YouTube Movies.

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