Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga

Eurovision on Netflex

A man who loves to sing and dreams of Eurovision


Sometimes you just need to see a film that will give you a belly laugh, something that is fun and totally over the top but also who doesn’t like a film that is filled with catchy pop music?Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga is exactly that, a film that will put you in a great mood and remind you how much enjoyment you can get from a campy musical.

The story starts with Lars Erickssong (Will Ferrell) and Sigrit Ericksdottir (Rachel McAdams), they live in Iceland and have a band, Fire Saga. Lars has a dream, to perform in Eurovision. Their band is chosen to perform at the Songvakeppnin, a competition for pre-selection for Eurovision. By a funny turn of events they win and are selected to perform in Eurovision for Iceland.

Directed by David Dobkin, previous films include Wedding Crashers and The Judge, Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga is a film that is the epitome of the song contest. A feel good romp. Watch out for the song-a-long as it features a lot of previous winners from the actual Eurovision Song Contest including Conchita Wurst and Netta Barzilai.

Written by Will Ferrell and Andrew Steele, this movie isn’t a groundbreaking piece of work, but it is written to entertain, which it definitely achieves. The story is about a man who has a dream to perform at Eurovision Song Contest and happens to have a lot of fun along the way, it’s an adventure for Lars and Sigrit.

Will Ferrell is very humorous as Lars Erickssong, a man determined to perform at Eurovision but also doesn’t like people to laugh at him. Will embraces the slight awkwardness of that disjointed persona that is Lars.

But standout performance for me was Rachel McAdams as Sigrit Ericksdottir. Rachel has thrown herself 100% into the role, you believe every scene of her characterization. The mannerism, accent and way she holds herself when singing on stage, she is Sigrit from Iceland. Loved every minute of her performance.

There are a number of great supporting cast including Pierce Brosnan as Lar’s father Erick Erickssong. Dan Stevens (of Downton Abbey fame) as flamboyant Russian singer Alexander Lemtov and Demi Lovato as the actual winner of Songvakeppnin, Katiana Lindsdottir.

There is comfort in watching a film that is so crazy over the top and laugh out loud that once it finishes it leaves you in a really good mood. There are moments in this film that will remind you of the crazy antics of Blake Edwards films, especially The Party and 10.

Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga is heaven for any actual fan of the annual Eurovision Song Contest. For those of you who have not watched the annual contest that is held in Europe this film is a fantastic introduction that will leave you curious and fascinated.

Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga is currently streaming on Netflix.

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