Election 2020:The Aftermath

Trump refuses to concede and Biden develops a COVID Task Force

You know what they say, ‘It isn’t over until it’s over.’ That’s exactly the case with President Donald Trump. He took his fight to court Monday saying he’s the rightful winner and is not stopping until he is declared the winner on his own terms. Trump filed lawsuits in Pennsylvania and Georgia. An additional lawsuit in Arizona. Judges in Michigan and Nevada where lawsuits were also filed have rejected its cases with baseless merit and limited scope.

Trump is stating that the Democrats cheated and stole the election and he is ready to expose them for all they’re worth with their dirty deeds. He will make them pay for their crimes. It’s going to be an uphill battle for Trump as he continues to fight his enemies. He didn’t look offended that Biden’s victory was called as he played golf over the weekend. He knows ‘in his eyes’  it’s a scam and exactly what the ‘Dirty Dems’ are doing.

Current President-elect Joe Biden who won the election on Saturday is just getting started. He’s already hard-at-work developing a COVID task force. He told his followers that it is “still vital to wear a mask and practice social distancing” and not to jump to conclusions just yet that it’s safe to ditch the mask. The mask and staying 6 feet away are the only safety measures in place. The news broke on Monday, November 9 that Pfizer has developed a COVID vaccine and it works 90 percent to fight the virus. But it’s not quite ready for distribution yet.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Rudy Giuliani, one of Trump’s personal attorneys, told Fox News on Sunday that the new legal claims would revolve around three issues; alleged barriers to observing the count of the mail-in ballots, alleged votes cast by the deceased, and alleged backdated ballots. He claims that Republicans were prevented from observing the count of the ballots in Pennsylvania. There was no evidence of fraud but there’s a possibility wrongdoing may turn up. Republicans already have a suit in Pennsylvania where they weren’t allowed access. The GOP poll watchers tell a different story saying that they weren’t denied.

In other news, it was reported on Monday by CNN that Housing Secretary, Ben Carson was diagnosed with COVID and according to The Daily Mail, Trump was planning to terminate his Defense Secretary Mark Esper and replace him with Christopher Miller if he’s re-elected and is firing Christopher Wray as FBI Director and Gina Haspel as CIA Director.

When it’s all said and done, the judges would end up denying the claims. Biden would be ‘The winner that takes it all’ and still be the president-elect. It’s time for Trump to be a man about his defeat and concede.

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