Election 2020 Update: President Trump Ready to Challenge Election Results

President Trump Is Fighting To Turn the Tide on Election Results Biden Still Ahead 248-214

President Trump is threatening to challenge the election and not accept the results if Biden is indeed declared the winner. He plans to sue Pennsylvania and Michigan and argues that he, not Biden has won Wisconsin. Truth be told, the state of Wisconsin claims that all the votes were counted and Biden, not Trump won that state. Trump is being delusional and says he won the election and demands that the Supreme Court stop all counting. Obviously, Trump’s demands are being ignored and the counting continues until all votes are tallied. The president is calling the election ‘fraud’ because of the mail-in ballots and the pandemic the cause of having three voting options this year.

Neither candidate is entitled to the presidency it’s supposed to be a democracy decided by the people. Whatever happened to the people winning?  We are not slaves to the government we can govern ourselves! The whole system must be revamped where ‘We The People’ should be running our country. But these political tyrants think they can get away with not obeying our constitution and revoking our liberties as American citizens.

Trump thinks he’s entitled to the highest office to avoid prison for the rest of his life and is a dictator or ‘king’  and Biden thinks he already has it in the bag and won the election. Arguments ensue that if Biden wins, the nation will become a socialist country like Venezuela and if Trump wins the country will become a communist country like China. Either way you slice it; with the history of civil unrest repeating itself from 1968 and the Martin Luther King, Jr. era, you wonder if the U.S. is headed for another civil war! This country is sadly broken and the corrupt electoral college political establishment must be abolished!

Joe Biden’s campaign announced it has legal teams standing by now that President Trump is apparently following through with his threat to go to court to attempt to stop the vote counting. It appears that’s the result happening now as Trump tweeted to ‘Stop The Count.’

The Daily Mail reports that Trump demands to ‘Stop The Count.’ Who does he think he is?  This election should not be contested, ‘the winner takes it all the loser has to fall!’ They also report that Trump has filed lawsuits to contest the election results in Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Georgia to stop the election count. However, despite Trump’s frivolous lawsuits that have no merit; the counting continues and the Biden campaign is confident that the former VP will be the next president. Trump’s supporters are protesting, trying to disrupt the counts in the contested states and creating a ‘political theater’ and incite more violence and civil unrest; only to embarrass themselves in the end.  It’s been a ‘rocky road’ this election year!

Joe Biden has won Michigan, Minnesota, Arizona, and the state of Wisconsin with an overwhelming 20,000 votes and all the states he needs to put him over the top with the magic number of 270 to win the White House. Still, key battleground states remain up for grabs.  Biden has a tremendous advantage over Trump, leading him 253-213. Trump is not being a good sport and is being a ‘spoiled brat’ and won’t take it like a man if he loses. He told reporters that he will have a lot of legal challenges on his hands if the election does not go his way. We’ll update you when it’s safe to say, “Trump, you’re fired!” if Biden takes the White House.

If Biden wins, we all know where Trump will be headed, ‘The Big House’ in prison for his crimes of tax fraud, etc. This is Trump’s biggest nightmare fearing that it will be coming true!

Meanwhile, Biden maintains a comfortable lead over Trump and said in his speech that he is ‘confident’ that he will be the 46th President of the United States. He urged ‘calmness and unity’ in his speech and will wait until all the votes are counted.  This is supposed to be a ‘fair and balanced’ election and neither party, Democrats or Republicans should engage in election fraud.

We will continue to update you with election results as they become available.


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