Election 2020: No Clear Winner Yet in Presidential Race

Polls show Biden is leading Trump 238-213 but votes are still being counted

The path to victory in the 2020 Presidential race still hangs in the balance while there are still outstanding votes that need to be counted. Both candidates are walking a thin line. It isn’t over until it’s over! This year is an unusual year with the pandemic affecting the elections and the voting process. This year, voters had three options, mail-in voting, returning absentee ballots to a drop-off ballot location, or the old-fashioned in-person voting. With fears swirling that the mail-in and absentee ballots are causing a nerve-wracking upheaval in determining who will be sworn in as president come January; it’s a seemingly tight race as the results are too close to call.

The results for the Senate seats are still in doubt at this moment. But the Democrats are expected to retain the House.

So far, on the day after Election Day; Biden maintains a steady lead over Trump, 238-213. That could change in a heartbeat or it could remain the same. Both candidates are locked in a dead heat with 270 electoral votes to win. However, President Trump is arguing that the Democrats are cheating and committing election fraud and that he’s prematurely declaring an early victory. He is threatening to challenge the election by taking it to the Supreme Court to stop the counting of the mail-in ballots. Trump nominated the current Supreme Court judge Amy Coney Barrett who was confirmed to replace her predecessor Ruth Bader Ginsburg a month ago who is now deceased. Not so fast, Mr. President! It isn’t safe to say yet whether you’re the victor or fired by the American people! It has been declared that 50 percent of the vote has been counted. The path to victory narrows down to two key states who could very well be the deciding factor in this election; Nebraska and Maine as they split their electoral votes. As the race continues to drag on, Michigan is a toss-up state.

Biden is on track to win the Electoral College and pull far ahead of Trump who is predicted to be a one-term president.

So far, Biden has won Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, New York, New Mexico, Maine, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Washington, DC, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire while Trump has won many of the red states including Texas, Florida, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Idaho, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, South Carolina, etc.

Meanwhile, once the official results are tallied; which could take days for all the votes to be counted long after the election; the protesters are ready for riots and America is once again bracing for civil unrest once the election results are confirmed.

The American people have spoken and want change. But will that change ever come? Power to the people! Good luck and may the best candidate win the race!

Update: President Trump has requested a recount in Wisconsin. Story developing.

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