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Eight Spicy Dark Academia Romance Books to Read This Autumn

We wrote about books today. Hooray.

I’ve curated a list of deliciously spicy dark academia romance reads for you — and one that offers up something for everyone. Because it’s back-to-school season, and you deserve a little spice with your studies!

The summer may be winding down, but the new releases never stop. I worked all weekend, going through catalogs, and most have added almost two hundred books to my TBR! (Related: Someone PLEASE figure out a way to stop time so I can read more.) Today, I have a reissued award-winning story collection, a memoir from a librarian fighting the good fight, and a middle grade campfire horror story.

Hello book lovers — how you doin’? On my millionth rewatch of Friends, I took on a project for no good reason except a lot of curiosity and a little old-school obsession with the show: I dedicated myself to figuring out every book the friends read throughout all ten seasons. It was not easy. A lot of pausing, zooming in, reverse Google searching images, and trying to decipher very blurry cover images. We lost a couple unidentified books, but for the most part, we got them all: all the books on Friends.

After a lifelong love affair with science fiction, it’s safe to say it’s one of my favorite — and most read — genres, right alongside fantasy. Whatever expertise that lends a person, I certainly have it. So when I tell you you need to read these ten sapphic sci-fi novels because they’re equal parts inventive and captivating, I mean it. They all feature sapphic protagonists, but they are also innovative additions to the sci-fi canon, full of world-building and stories that pay homage to classic science fiction tropes while breaking their own ground.

It’s the last Tuesday of the month, which usually means a lighter new release day — but not this time! I had trouble narrowing it down to just eight new LGBTQ books to share with you this week

Today, I have a couple exciting new sci-fi and fantasy books out this week to share with you, plus recommendations for recent indie SFF books worth adding to your TBR!

Anyone else feeling a bit more excited about the forthcoming election after the DNC? I’m going to recommend children’s books about elections a bit closer to when voting begins, but I thought I’d go ahead and review books about presidential hopeful Kamala Harris today. My daughter has been asking questions about her lately, and I’m sure she’s not the only kid with questions! But first, here are my reviews of two new releases.

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