Editorial Review: “Sentience Hazard” by Alexandru Czimbor


Sentience Hazard is a futuristic science fiction thriller by Alexandru Czimbor that features a world ruled by AI.


Will humankind’s insatiable desire to play God lead to an unprecedented advancement of our species? Will it spell doom for the world as we know it? Sentience Hazard, a science fiction thriller by Alexandru Czimbor, presents this tantalizing question to its readers. It is the 2050s, and most of the world population is immersed in Cybersperse, an all-encompassing virtual world that leaves little need for reality. However, when an eminent scientist suffers a fatal heart attack at a conference, his last words seem to carry a sinister message for the world. Will Qianfan be able to voice his concerns in a society where even his innermost thoughts are closely monitored? Can François create a compassionate AI mimicking the same emotional intelligence as the one developed in humans through millennia of evolution? With every country actively engaged in an arms race to create the most powerful AI ever, what might happen if one such AI really achieves omnipotence?

The future Czimbor imagines in his dystopian thriller is frighteningly close to reality. With AI invading almost every aspect of our lives, fueled by our ever-increasing dependence on it, the idea of an omnipotent AI does not seem very far-fetched. The questions Czimbor raises in his book are all too pertinent for this era. Although the novel is fictional, he provides deep insights into the predominant approaches towards developing AI without getting overly technical. At the same time, Czimbor explores the ethical questions and addresses the insecurities associated with AI research.

The novel can double as a political thriller, featuring two powerful countries at war with each other while the common people remain pawns in their hands. In a shiver-inducing depiction of a 1984-esque society, Czimbor highlights how the ruling party incorporates thought-monitoring and brainwashing programs based on the citizens’ loyalty or lack thereof for the president. The totalitarian arrangement creates a sharp contrast between the corrupted employees acquiescing to mass slaughter for personal gain and the conscientious citizens risking their lives to oppose the dictatorship. The novel centers on a never-ending battle between good and evil with constantly changing opponents. Sometimes, the fight is between two world powers, sometimes, between humans and AI, and sometimes, between human greed and conscience. As the story progresses, the boundaries separating good and evil seem to blur, leaving gray areas in between. Even the ending, albeit satisfactory, leaves a vague sense of discomfort and worry about the impending future.

The well-developed, multidimensional characters are assets of this novel. Despite the book being primarily plot-centric, Czimbor takes utmost care to portray the emotions. He explores François’s unrequited love and jealousy, Marie’s indecisiveness about her love life, and Qianfan’s internal dilemma in a way that makes the readers root for them. They constantly struggle with emotions, make wrong decisions, and even express sentiments toward an android AI. Throughout the novel, Czimbor subtly highlights these fundamental differences between a flawed, emotive human and a carefully programmed, calculative AI. 

The thought-provoking book, with its speculative storyline and ambiguous ending, raises some probing questions that would make the readers ponder. I recommend Sentience Hazard to everyone who loves science fiction or dystopian thrillers. 

About the Author


Alexandru Czimbor, an award-winning author, hails from Transylvania, Romania, where he grew up under the challenging conditions of Nicolae Ceaușescu’s communist regime. Since 2001, he has made his home in the United States but continues to cherish his European roots by spending summers in Europe. With a rich and diverse background, Alexandru has taught at a Romanian university, thrived in the software industry, and has held executive roles since 2011. He holds a master’s degree in computer science, having studied at UTCN Cluj-Napoca and ETH Zurich. Beyond his professional pursuits, Alexandru is passionate about mentoring his son, playing guitar, devouring books, and indulging in his love for podcasts. His book, The Soul Machines, is the recipient of the BREW Seal of Excellence and the BREW Fiction Book Excellence Award 2023 Historical European Fiction of the Year. Sentience Hazard, his newest book, is also a BREW Seal of Excellence awardee.

Book Details

  • Title: Sentience Hazard
  • Author: Alexandru Czimbor
  • Genre: Science Fiction
  • Theme: Dystopia, Thriller, AI
  • Publication Date: May 14, 2024
  • ISBN or ASIN: B0D3S8TN9N
  • Number of Pages: 523
  • Minimum Audience Age: 18

Book Themes

(Note: 0=none, 1=a few, 2=considerable, 3=pronounced, 4=excessive)

  • Sexual themes: 3
  • Religious themes: 0
  • Violence, self-harm, etc.: 4
  • Crude language, expletives, swearing, etc.: 0
  • Other adult themes: 3


  • Content: 5 stars
  • Writing Style: 5 stars
  • Appeal to Target Audience: 5 stars
  • Uniqueness: 5 stars
  • Editing: 5 stars
  • Other factors: 5 stars
  • Overall: 5 out of 5



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