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EMM is back with her seventh release this year “EAT MY ACID”. For those of you who don’t know EMM she is a powerful singer-songwriter, producer, performer and women’s advocate (yay women!!) Her vocals and edgy lyrics compete with the greatest pop divas that are topping the charts today – think the era of Brat. Her unique perspective as a producer, classically trained multi-instrumentalist and life-long songwriter has given her an authentic blend of sonics and stories that make every song identifiably “Emm”. As a female producer, Emm is aiming to change the bleak statistics of women in music. About 3 percent of music producers in the music industry are female.

Emm identifies with her fans more authentically because she’s faced a troubled past of eating disorders, a harsh religious upbringing, mental health issues, many industry evils and moving away from her hometown to New York City at the age of sixteen. She is creating a voice for girls just like her – girls that never felt they were enough and never quite fully fit in.

The song ‘EAT MY ACID’ is chaotic and weird in all the best ways, during the first listen it entrapped me and hasn’t let me go. With haunting and demonic vocals anyone who likes dark vibe will become automatically intrigued. With lyrics like “I am your new king, Don’t touch my things, Eat my acid” we can’t help but fall in love with EMM. The end of the song has haunting chorus vocals that really encapsulate you. In the visualizer for ‘EAT MY ACID’ she sings naked, covered head to toe in nothing but black acidic goo. Such an iconic vibe she truly stands out among artists today and we can’t wait to see what’s next for her!

Fun facts about EMM she’s licked her fair share of guitars and performed live covered in cockroaches.

Written by Heather Kathryn


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