Dying in the Name of Vaccine Freedom | NYT Opinion

Freedom and the right to chose they are concerned about it, parents were not happy that the children want the vaccine. Freedom to die. It is your choice, if you don’t want it to die from covid. The vaccine helps you not die. The Ozarks in Missouri. You can not get it. The people loved Trump and freedom smallpox, and other diseases eradicated by vaccines are a thing of the past. The virus is going to mutate they always do. So it’s no telling what this disease is going to do in the future. I don’t care I want to live and not die it is my right. So it is my choice not to get it, people are catching it not being able to taste food and they feel like they still got the symptoms this is so for a year. Covid long haulers are real for some the system never is getting better. 1/3 of covid people have symptoms and months after getting out of breath.

People can not fully recover. And it so sad it is your choice to be sick and others have the choice not to be around with your mask off. So people who chose the vaccine are free and people who chose sickness are free that is American but watch below. This is a trump state and Missouri would rather die than get the vaccine I will choose not to be around you. Watch the video below and please be good to your nurses and it was not killing everybody but it is killing some people.

I’ve had COVID-19 for a year. Here’s what I’ve learned | Margot Gage Witvliet | TEDxMileHigh

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