Dove Real Beauty Sketches | You’re more beautiful than you think (6mins) VS. Black beauty and culture

This is how we see ourselves and this is really deep and they are the majority and they don’t love themselves. Either we must learn how to embrace our own beauty and this was done years ago. Beauty is the way people see themselves and Black people don’t have this option. We are not the standard of beauty and that sucks. Black people need to see the beauty within Black people we need to see the beauty within. We black people have to view our world by the things we see and nothing looks like us in America. In Africa standard of beauty is black people. We need to see the beauty in and out. The doll test is hard to watch in any language all over the world we have been bombarded with dolls. The truth is we must develop our own standard of beauty. The media has started to paint blacks as bad started with the Birth of a Nation and continued to tell us we are bad till this day until Black Panther we had a real hero. The people could not wait to tell us it was not real. But it can be real if we work on it, Beyonce had a song that addressed this and did it well Brown skin girl.
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