Donald Trump has a history of being booed Video Here

Claiming it over when it not

He is such a fake president his followers believe he is God sent. He was happy to see the Pandemic because he did not want to shake those people’s hands any longer. What a joke he puts poor whites and black people in the same boat. Everybody that leaves office is not a lie. I bet he has everybody sign no disclosure agreement. Overnight protest for Breonna Taylor still going. With all these judges being chosen by Trump has set the court up for years to be conservative. Trump Does not care about America. This is the first president poor white people have had to relate to. In their eyes he is perfect in his eyes they are trash. One thing for sure Trump is consistent. He doesn’t care about anybody but himself. He wanted his presidency to be like John F Kennedy. From the beginning he had his wife wear Jackie O-inspired Outfit.

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