Don Lemon: The Republican outrage machine is working

666552 CNN NY Talent Expansion, New York, 9/25/19, Don Lemon

Republicans should be ashamed of themselves but they are not. Trump lie, cheats and steal and not a peep from them.  So when they were in power they got to flip the supreme court on its head and nothing. Obama let them bully him out of putting someone on the court. Obama should have told Joe to run against Hillary. I say I heard that rumor. So here we are with fake outrage playing to an idiot that does not do the research. Just look it up. Google has the unbiased truth about Trump. You can get all your new’s from NPR. CNN has really good commentary. The truth is in the details. I am so sick of the Republicans acting like the American taxpayers don’t need help at all. This is a really good thing to help Americans when we need it. They should be outraged by themselves so when Trump was in office forget the deficit and let them give tax breaks to Trump and all of his rich friends. Let’s walk around like a mask doesn’t matter and Kill 500,000 people who built this country. 500,000 people will not be getting the social security they put into the system.  The money just goes back to the government. So let’s be real, social security is set up so you don’t collect it. You will be dead first. So this fake outrage is how I feel about the Republican party. Wake up people we are in the Matrix.

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