DOJ Considering New Charges Against Chauvin

See Don Lemon's reaction to new deadly shooting video


NOTE: Some of the language used in this article is of a racial nature and may be offensive to some audiences. 4.29.21

This once again justice system dropped the ball the judge would not allow Chauvin’s past complaints to be used against him. He almost killed a boy in 2017 and his mother had to beg for Chauvin not to kill her son. She called the police on him. He should have been taking into police custody and should have been removed from the house. For both of their safety could have used Juvenile for that to see if the child needs more appropriate placement. If the mom called the police on her son he was out of control and he needed psychological help no child mentally stable would go against their parents. So it is clear he needed some help just like the 16-year-old girl killed by police. The justice system is broken, and it needs to be reformed.  Policing is a hard job but you have to protect and serve everybody  I know the difference between right and wrong. It’s wrong to kill black people who are unarmed. It is wrong to kill a teenager even if he is wrong. This is the only country that has this problem. This problem only exists because black and brown people share the same space as white people. God help us all we need some real reform in our justice system.

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