Digitilizing Artwork

Art ID


Source: ArtID official site

How to digitalize your art? Easy, just buy a very good computer and market yourself online! Sounds easier than it really is? Maybe! And yes there is something that comes to my mind. How much it cost to digitilizes our soul? And how much to look for the ArtID? What is an ArtID anyways?
There is a site for that! Check it out!

The Digital Certificate(DC) of an artwork is a “zip” folder containing all the documentation related to it, such as high definition images, author authentication, documents relating to the possible archiving, evidence of the exhibitions in which the artwork was exhibited, indications of relevant publications, press clipping…everything!. It may contain information on the author, on historical periods, information on current and previous properties, the place where the artwork is physically kept, prices, deeds of sale, sales declarations, and appraisals. The contents of the CD can be modified neither in its contents nor for the information relative to the date of creation and updating.

Nice and easy! Now we really have everything online. The soul of our artwork is online. Let’s check it out! Along with all documentation too!!! And tools to market it!
A bright and sunny day!!!

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