Digital Alchemies

art call

There is an open call for moving images, video installation, still images, experimental digital cinema and experimental photography for collective exhibition in a Parisian gallery, March/May 2023. This proposal explores the artistic production of visual forms made out of algorithms and conscious work with interfaces, in an introspective framework and seeks for identify the specificities this creative process by problematizing artistic creation on the computer. It is an open call, and a special attention will be given to the introspective discourse, and to the link of the works with any academic research project in progress. All art work are images produced by algorithms in the computer, by interfaces. Computer generated captures are sublimated by computer processing, still images, animated images, images recomposed from some other images that can circulate in icono(sphere).

The call is asking questions. What is the place of the artist in these high-tech creative processes? What are the artistic proceedings in artworks with the computer? What strategies can be recognize at the level of the creative processes? What does it means producing something that was not already present at the level of the code? What about errors, détours, glitches in the production of contemporary images? What are the “cool glitch beyond the modalities”? Are there new creative strategies in the producing of new visual forms via the misuse of new technological paradigms? What forms does artistic hacking take today, or is that a  new creative potential? And if there is something beyond computer errors, beyond the glitch in the computer “out of program” something that artist can have as a strategies of creation without diverting “normal” in the computer. What is the relevance for being theorized by the cybernetics? Is that a conceptual framework that wanted to be explained at the same time the machines and the creator/man? The call is exploring the mechanisms working at the artwork level.  When confronted with the digital images of yesterday and today, can we see in act processes of “autopoiesis”, homeostasis, or this is outside of artistic creation?  What are or is the artist “gestures of humanities”? How artists of today computer science see the means of creation algorithms, or interfaces? Are there environments or “mediums” accountable for performativity, “technical objects” with certain autonomy or an agentivity? How do artists perceive the degree of uncertainty that resides in the computer creation and how do artists bring this unpredictability into their creative purposes? There are guides online to perceive all the questions just go to guidelines for the contest, “the glitch in its capacities to problematize a process, a personal exploration or a narrative element.”

And anyways, selected works will be part of the exhibition called “Alchimies Numériques” in Paris, which will take place in a Parisian gallery, from March to May 2023. This open call is free and open to all artists, no matter of age, nationality or location. Only works in digital format are accepted. All artists retain the rights to their work. Selected artists will be authorize to exhibit their work for the duration of exhibition.

The deadline for this open call is March 1, 2023 in Paris, France.

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or write and ask for guidelines at

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