Art Call

official poster

“DESIRES” is a call for portrait Video Art and it should last for about 10 seconds. The 2nd Bremen HOCHKANTFILMFEST is making a call for art and culture professionals to present themselves with a high-format, concise and surprising graphic animation on the theme of “desires” in Bremen, Germany.

In a period from April 10th to 16th 2023 the city’s video boards will present cultural conceptual surfaces and artistic canvases. The city of Bremen is imagined as a public museum. The theme is “longing” or form of desire that is surprising, unusual and inspiring.

Technical requirements
Format: MP4 or JPG
Resolution: Full HD (1.080*1.920 px)
Frame rate: 25 FPS
Video codec: H.264
No audio track
Length: 10 seconds


Deadline is 5 the of March 2023 on


or submit


 Here are some artist’s vision of the event.

Rolf Bremer, artist from Germany:

“I originally come from painting, but over the years I have slipped more and more into digital, mostly moving images. The intersection of the different works is the illusion or disillusion, the little hook, the irritation, the moment that changes the perspective.”

Erwin Schrodinge, artist from Germany


“In this work I created a virtual trip into the particle world where the viewer can travel through data, light, satellite networks and code, an aesthetic of the invisible world that surrounds us. It ́s the human interpretation of a quantum computer travelling in an electrical pulse through the different universes and metaverses that conform the digital existent.
Every man’s world picture is and always remains a construct of his mind and cannot be proved to have any other existence.

Lennart Hespenheide, artist from Germany

“In my artistic work, originally coming from music and drama, I devote myself entirely to the linguistic, the non-verbal and the generally dialogical play of communication. For years, I have been fascinated by dealing with pathos, the synthesis of feelings.”

Artist from Spain Luis Toledo

“The work was originally conceived for a second-hand television shop that had to close due to the pandemic and could now be seen in the advertising displays of Bremen’s city centre. In this way, my work is meant to indirectly point to the social and economic consequences and to show how society has changed in these times. The billboards have always attracted me personally, paradoxically, because they create public effectiveness but sometimes transmit questionable messages. The speed at which the animated films were created corresponds to the fleeting nature of the creative process, which means that “only” these films still exist. The films document my hours of painterly work and at the same time they show the intuitive approach in my artistic creation.
In the context of a misappropriated billboard, my work resembles the hustle and bustle and at the same time the dissolution or transformation of the inner-city working world. In doing so, my film satirises the restlessness of my own artistic creation, as well as that of the wage-earning population. The aim of this display is to irritate passers-by on the one hand, but also to make them smile and thus to pose the question of meaning to the preceding and following advertising clips. Like a mis-transmission or a question posed from a completely different context, we are working?
Consistent with commercial advertising is nevertheless the psychological effect in the depiction of the human figure and the communication in the viewing of human faces. My filmic work thus enters into a relationship with the viewer and asks what kind of image consumption we follow on a daily basis.”

Artists Luca Pühl and Ronja Stegmann.

Bodies between individual, norm and commodity

Larger-than-life, transparently veiled bodies, limited in their freedom of movement by the

limited in their freedom of movement

Poses suggesting a sense of security and exposed captivity create a field of tension that irritates through the combination of supposed contrasts.”

Intimacy / Publicity

Light / Shadow                                                                                                                 

Visibility / Invisibility

Dissociation / Reference

Difference / Transparency

Association / Dissociation

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