Derrick Rose gave an emotional speech in Africa

Derrick Rose gave an emotional speech in Africa:

In life we all just want to have a purpose in life that is it but that is the hardest thing to have in life. We all want to matter.

“I knew at a young age my living condition was F— up. I could tell my mom wasn’t happy. She was getting [her paycheck] and putting the money out on the table. She’s got only $20-$50 for the next two weeks after she paid all her rent and bills with four kids. [I knew] I had to change something.

[I was shoveling snow to play basketball outside] by myself. I’m out there in the rain. I didn’t care. If you want to be regular just make a sacrifice. A great sacrifice is locking in and everybody is looking at you like you’re crazy. You got to fight. That’s life. Even when you get the money you still have to fight. I’m still fighting right now…for knowledge.”

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