Depicting Frida Kahlo in Guadalupe Reyes’ The Artist

The Artist by Guadalupe Reyes

Guadalupe Reyes’ Art Captures the Essence of Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo is one of the most culturally significant artists in history. Kahlo’s individuality, artistic expression, feminism and cultural pride exemplify the impact a creative’s voice can have on people. Her creativity serves as an inspiration for many demographics, including contemporary visual artists, women and the Mexican culture. Her art carries the unique ability to appeal to a wide demographic of people, while maintaining its distinct cultural value.

Many contemporary art critics examine Kahlo’s work from a global perspective. They analyze her artistic concepts, personality and heritage. Then publish research and opinions relative to the artist using language that is appealing to all cultures. While it is fascinating to examine Kahlo’s art from such a perspective, it is important not to extract her creativity from its original context.

Kahlo’s life and art was born in Mexico City, where she lived in La Casa Azul, “The Blue House”. Her birth certificate states she was born on July, 6th 1907. It has been documented that Kahlo viewed her birth date as July, 7th 1910 in honor of the beginning of the Mexican Revolution. Kahlo is celebrated for embodying her national tradition through expressionism and in her everyday life.

Since Kahlo’s art is a reflection of her native culture, some critics will only examine her art’s cultural aspects, and thereby only perceive her creations as folk art. While certain aspects of Kahlo’s art are relative to folk art, it is important to explain the art’s connection to other categories.

Feminism, both socially and artistically, is a category which Kahlo’s art belongs. Many of her paintings challenge the perspectives of women in society, through expressing the female body in surrealist fashion. She visualized the female body in ways never before seen in art. Kahlo’s art also expressed surrealism as strongly as her contemporaries who only created surrealist works.

Kahlo is often depicted as a figure within her own art. Kahlo typically depicts herself in a variety of surrealist ways. However, she is very seldom depicted as the creator of art within an art piece.

Guadalupe Reyes’ The Artist, depicts Frida Kahlo painting a self portrait. Reyes’ art masterfully incorporates the concept of perspective. Kahlo’s perspective, within Reyes’ art, is sharply focused on her canvas. This perspective visualization functions like an observation within an observation. While Kahlo is focused on the canvas, the audience is focused on Kahlo’s observation in relationship to the entire painting. Reyes’ art eloquently tells a story within a story.

Reyes’ art features a bold color palette that reflects the vibrancy of the Mexican culture. Her excellent usage of color displays a Kahlo that is expressive and natural, a realistic portrayal of the artist’s personality.

Reyes’ art emphasizes Kahlo’s aesthetics and expression. The art captures Kahlo’s essence and creativity through perspective, movement and color.

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