Democrat ARRESTED For Exposing Republican Party’s Corruption

Black State Representative treated like a Criminal in Georgia Capitol.

This is real voter suppression and now it is really sad to watch this video. Black people who are not even elected officials of Georgia have a right to be heard. Republicans just want to win and they don’t care about voting rights.  Same mess different day. They let rioters kill police at the capitol. And said it was not Trumps fault. When you are black in America you have no voice.

A sitting Democratic state representative from Georgia was detained by state troopers shortly after Republican Gov. Brian Kemp signed a restrictive voting rights bill into law, according to local news reports and videos circulating on social media.

Video shows police handcuffing state Rep. Park Cannon after she knocked on the door of the chamber where Kemp was signing a law that restricts access to the polls and makes it easier to overturn lawful elections. Cannon was one of several people protesting outside the governor’s chamber.

Georgia State Patrol’s public information director wrote in an email that officers arrested Cannon after warning her three times to stop knocking on the door to the governor’s ceremonial office. She was transported to Fulton County Jail and charged with obstruction of law enforcement and preventing or disrupting General Assembly sessions or other meetings of members.

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