David Hockney’s Paintings of Spring Send A Message of Hope Amidst The Pandemic

Courtesy of David Hockney. Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-52109901

David Hockney is a British painter who has a significant contribution to the pop art movement in the 1960s. He usually likes to paint season, landscape, and portraits of people he loves.


During his lockdown time in Normandy, David Hockney sends a message of hope through his painting. He portrayed the beauty of nature around him, includes the blooming bright yellow daffodils. 

“Do Remember They Can’t Cancel The Spring”. Courtesy of David Hockney. Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-52109901

He also captured a tree with blossom buds of leaves and flowers. The bright color of his painting is both relaxing and raising hope.

Courtesy of David Hockney. Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-52109901

He made these paintings in the middle of March when the number of people infected by the Coronavirus was significantly increasing. He also attached a title: “Do Remember They Can’t Cancel The Spring”. 


Hockney started to paint on his new iPad in winter 2019, right before the Coronavirus broke out. Although it does not use a real paintbrush, Hockney’s pop art style remain appears in each of his works. 


During the second or third wave of the Coronavirus, we can look back on Hockney’s works to raise our new hopes and spirits.



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