Dave Chappelle on SNL and he is on point: He is a Genius and Biden Victory Cold Open – SNL

There are not enough words to speak on the genius of this man he makes everyone see his point with clarity that is not normal. He can put the people in the shoes of the people he is describing and you can not ignore or say you don’t get it. Like 70 million people voting for Trump is a joke if was 35 million I could understand that. His ability to bring out people when he ignores Covid 19 and chooses not to tell the people about it and tell them he did not want them to panic and they believed that shit is classic. He did not want his stock market to crash before an election he knew President has ever lost in a good economy. He knew his people would believe that 250000 dead Americans and I in 50 black people dying from covid he could make it China fought. He knew his follower like Jim Jones would drink his Kool-Aid. I am shocked that 70 million people voted for this man. He did not give a damn. Dave stand up is classic.


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