Dashcam Video Released In Fatal Police Shooting Of Two Black Teens In Florida: Our President is responsible for 250,000 Deaths and counting by not acting when he first heard in November 2019.

h9-florida-police-face-investigation-officers-killing-two-black-teens florida teens

It is so common to have the police kill black people it makes you numb. Black people are scared of the police/ slave patrol. So yes we are going to run, we are dead anyway if we stay or run. You pulled your guns out. This is a damn shame on both sides. Police are policing people they don’t care about. They are seeing us as enemies, not people to protect and serve. When black mothers have buried their children it is not a joke. Black father not having the child around again. It heartbreaking how often they call parents to say we killed your kids. Tamir Rice a 12-year-old with a toy gun killed. There are no words for this mess at all. Money doesn’t bring these black lives back. Shoot the damn tires out. You know these young people are scared period they don’t trust the police. This happens so much it does not make the news. Stop pulling your guns out first. Just follow them home in a slow-speed chase. Just stop this mess.

Trump is telling people to enjoy the holidays and he doesn’t even like his family. He has got 72 million followers who will not wear masks because he said not to. That this pandemic is fake. Tell that to all the people who lost love ones. They need to call this the Trump Flu he did it. China only had 4000 death in total. The response was quick and strong. This writer has lost Friends to this disease. It hurts to this day. White people I talked about are not having people die from this at all. If they do they are old and sick in nursing homes. They can not see their families and once you go on a ventilator it is over for real. Trump has failed America and you want him as President because he is entertaining this is not a reality show. Real people’s lives are now lost. Cause he did not want to shut down his economy he killed it instead. Two months shut down was all he needed and he could not do it. Now hospitals are running out of beds. Now you will die in waiting rooms it is bad.

It is so common that police kill our black children that it now just anger that we are feeling. They are still the slave patrol. Police don’t protect and serve in the black community they occupy. Like Nazis, they do what the hell they want to. Let them drive away and go home. a mom just down the street they just wanted to go home. You did not have to shoot them to death. You let a white-run you over not once did you fire a gun into his window a white business owner that did not what to close his business. You held him up as a hero. It makes me sick you see white as people and black people as animals. If the shoe was on the other foot you did not have jobs are resources you would be seen as criminals. As long as white men are doing good this country is good. This country only cares about white men. Not even white women. Still trying to control her womb. The Trump people always say they deserve to die when blacks fight back. White men get into fistfights with police officers and they don’t get killed. It is time for real change in this country.

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